Friday, April 17, 2009

red wings!

The hockey team, not the boots, you hipster scum you. My dad got my best friend and I tickets to game 1 of the playoffs (how awesome is he?). 4-1 Wings! Suck it Columbus. I mean look at all those banners in the rafters. Hockey in Detroit is a pretty big deal. 

The seats were awesome, except we had to sit next to these guys:

Actually, they gave out playoff beards at the door.(for those of you who don't know, it's an old hockey superstition for players to let their beards grow during their runs for the cup) We thought they looked more like gold miner beards from 1849. Steez for sure. I tried to look thoughtful in my picture...

The rest of the faithful.

Beer and hockey. It's like they were meant to be together. 

Celebrating the victory at the Old Shillelagh. 

Cheers folks. 


Lesley said...

Hahaha seems like you had a great time! It's definitely a look that more people should rock! :-)

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